Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Thaila's Birthday

A good friend of mine wanted 24 cupcakes for her daughter Thaila's 13th birthday instead of a cake. She wasn't having a party so wanted to take some cakes to school to share with some of her friends. I thought it would be fun to use sweets on top as decorations, and I made 12 chocolate cupcakes, and 12 vanilla. I was told that they went down an absolute treat!

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Photoshoot Cupcakes for Nick Tucker

When Nick asked me whether I'd be up for donating some cupcakes for a photoshoot he was doing I jumped at the chance. I think Nick is an amazing photographer, and for my humble little cupcakes to appear in one of his shots was an honour for me. Check out his Flickr page for some interesting and beautiful images....

And prior to leaving my house for the shoot they looked like this....


Saturday, 5 September 2009

Layla's Birthday Cakes

I made these for my sister-in-law's birthday and they were demolished by her friends and family in no time atall! When I made the frosting I was distracted so had to leave it in the fridge before coming back to finish them. When I returned to the frosting it had stiffened a little so I just mixed it again. This actually gave the frosting a quite nice, almost transparent-ey type of effect, as opposed to the more creamier looking frosting. Surpringsly it tasted just as good, if not better...


Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Vintage Tattoo

I adore the old style tattoos and the gorgeous font that they used back then. I especially enjoy the images tattood by 'Sailor Jerry' the original vintage tattoo artist. http://www.sailorjerry.com/tattoos.php

Inspired by these types of images, I thought I'd try out a tattoo inspired cupcake. I am really pleased with the results and I'm now thinking of other tattoo designs to go with these heart ones. For these ones, again I used a sinple vanilla cupcake recipe and frosted with a vanilla bean butter cream.

As well as the tattoos, Sailor Jerrys rum is officially my favourite tipple at the moment too, I love the vanilla spiced undertone and the sweetness of it.....infact I may pour myself a small one now with a fat lime wedge and a splash of coke!